Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still Learning Basic Life Lessons

Seems like as soon as I think I'm really getting to be more enlightened or aware I get reminded how far there still is to go. Yesterday my son was playing a soccer game and I was there watching. On the opposite side of the field one of the coaches and some of the parents turned into complete poor sport jerks. They where yelling at the ref's, throwing tantrums on any fouls called against them, and just showing their worst. At first I ignored it but as it continued through the game I had as much as I could take and starting yelling back at them that calls where just fine and they needed to chill out over there. I also yelled "Goal" whenever we scored, probably a little bit to happy to rub it in their faces. Well, I've felt bad about it ever since. Why couldn't I just let it alone? How quickly I stooped to their low level of living and allowed myself to become angry at them.

Well, these experiences are actually good as they encourage some self analysis. What should I have done? Well I hope this happens again so I can find out, but my plan is to not ever stoop to their level again. I want to just enjoy the game and each bad behavior I need to laugh at and let go of. Transcend and rise above bad behavior without becoming engaged in it. Then go for a run or exercise if some of the left over bad feelings remain.