Monday, November 9, 2009

Had a great hike

I got up at around 3am and started hiking with the new moon last week. Went up the mountain in Spanish Fork Canyon above the windmills. The trail above the Cross was pretty good until I got up a long way and in the shadow I could not see very good anymore. So in brave stupidity I decided to bushwack strait up the mountain. Needless to say I learned how hard it is to go through dense brush that never really opened back up until I got really near the top. However tough it was, it became worth it as I saw the best sunrise I have ever seen as you can look a long way from that vantage point and it was awsome. Going down was absolutley crazy as there was no trail and I ended up in a snowy ravine. It reminded me of Romancing the Stone when they slide through the dense jungle mud, except in my case I was sliding down the steep snow filled ravine barely under control. It was really fun and reminded me of being a kid.