Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ENFP - things to watch out for

This article was very interesting. As an ENFP I am surprised to find out so much about myself that I take for granted. I especially like the insights that help me understand better my weaknesses:

" At times, ENFPs find themselves interpreting events in terms of another's "hidden motive," giving special meaning to words or actions. This interpretation tends to be negative and, more often than not, inaccurately negative. In the process, an ENFP may find that he or she has introduced an unnecessary, toxic element into the relationship."

I think I have tried to give too much credit to "hidden motives and made mistakes that way.

Also I liked:
"They need also to discipline themselves against beginning too many projects and making commitments to too many people."

My lesson in making commitments last week was running a 6 hour marathon I was unprepared for to teach myself a lesson in not making commitments if at all possible. I hope that effort will pay off.

in reference to:

"They need also to
discipline themselves against beginning too many projects and
making commitments to too many people."
- ENFP - The Visionary (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Watched an amazing video on Music last night

I did not understand it all for sure, it's going to take a few more times, but it was great I thought.
Nice to be able to see it on NetFlix - Instant watch whenever you want to. What a great program on my XBox!